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As a lawyer, I have an obligated to provide everyone with the following information:

Pernille Skinnerup Advokatfirma is located at the address Færgevej 105, 3600 Frederikssund.

I can be contacted on telephone number 29164883 and by e-mail:

My CVR number is 33 82 63 70.

Pernille Skinnerup Advokatfirma is organized as a sole proprietorship.

Pernille Skinnerup Advokatfirma has a client bank account with Danske Bank: 4001 – 46144 76613.

In the event of a bank's bankruptcy, depositors are covered in accordance with the Depositors and Investors Guarantee Scheme Act. The guarantee assets cover an eligible depositor's funds up to an amount equivalent to EUR 100,000, approx. Danish DKK 750,000. The maximum coverage applies to the total deposit in the bank, even if the money is in different accounts, including both client bank accounts and own accounts.

Special rules apply to deposits relating to immovable property if the immovable property has been used for or is intended for mainly non-commercial purposes. Amounts up to EUR 10,000,000 are covered here, up to 12 months after the amount was deposited, and regardless of whether the deposit is in a separate account. More information about the guarantee scheme can be found on Garantiformuen's website:

 I am appointed by the Ministry of Justice in Denmark as a lawyer and am part of the Bar Association.

I have taken out liability insurance and a guarantee scheme in accordance with the rules laid down by the Bar Association. The liability insurance covers all legal services performed by me, regardless of where the legal services are performed.

I do not use contract clauses on choice of law and/or venue, unless this is agreed with the client.

I am covered by the Bar Association's supervisory and disciplinary system and by the rules on good legal practice, cf. section 126 of the Administrative Procedure Act. In addition, the rules of legal ethics apply. The rules that apply in particular to the practice of law can be found on the Danish Bar Association's website

In the event of a dispute over fees charged by Pernille Skinnerup Advokatfirma, and/or dissatisfaction with the conduct of lawyers, the client can complain about this by contacting the Advokatnævnet, Kronprinsessegade 28, 1306 København K,



Lawyer Pernille Skinnerup (H)

Færgevej 105,

(DK)-3600 Frederikssund

CVR. no.: 33 82 63 70

Contact Information

Tel. no.: (+45) 29 16 48 83


Opening hours

Monday-Friday: 07.00 - 16.30

Saturday-Sunday: Closed

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